In a fast-paced and stressful world, finding effective tools for relaxation and personal growth is essential. One such tool that has profoundly transformed my life is meditation. However, convincing people…
Meditation During Tough Times?
I’m often asked, “When is a good time to learn meditation?” I’ve noticed something interesting. When times are good, people seem to be more receptive, more interested, more eager to…
A Grateful Student, A Joyful Teacher
Part of the joy of teaching meditation infused with Humanist ideals is that I learn a bit myself, every time I teach. Just the process of thinking about how to…
What Makes Humanist Meditation Different?
I get asked this question a lot. It is ALL about the philosophy that serves as the fundamental base for the meditation practice. Humanist Meditation IS different in that I…
Growing During A Pandemic
Growing during a pandemic? This might seem like a bit of an oxymoron but there is an interesting explanation in this context. One of the things that the Humanist Meditation…