
Class Overview

The emphasis here is on being so completely absorbed in the object of the meditation, that all other sensory input is muted to irrelevance. There are three guided meditations in this session and each one utilizes different methods to enhance focus, also known as “Concentration Power”. The last of the three is also intended to be playful and fun! This session can be enjoyed by beginners or seasoned practitioners although beginners may benefit from having been through the Fundamentals session first.

All sessions will emphasize Humanist ideals and values and will give the practitioner multiple perspectives on the meditation experience. The goal is to teach the practitioner a better way to live, both for themselves and the world around them. All studio sessions will have ample comfortable chairs to sit on! We have only a few spare cushions and pads for those wanting to sit on the floor so if you have your own, feel free to bring them!

Class Details

Days Vary
Times Vary
2101 E. Broadway Rd., #29 Tempe, AZ 85282

Class Location